First time report date keep changing when no re-installation happened

Hi All,

I want to check as recently my bigfix console keep reporting on new date of first time report. It’s supposed to be first time report on 21/04/2021 however it changed to 6/11/2023 when there’s no re-installation is happening.


What do you mean “First time report date”? Please explain


As example, this server 1st time report was 21/04/2021. But today, I just realized the first time report date was changed to 26/10/2023

What is the relevance behind the “First Report Time” property? The Bigfix agent does have a create date and that does get reset if the agent detects a conflict with computer ID or if a manual client rest has been triggered (Fixlet 1976).

If your property is using the client create date then you may want to see of logs from the date are still available to see if the client did reset.


Do you mean the relevance code/script?

I have searched the logs too however there’s no longer logs for 26/10/2023.


Several things could cause a client to reset, which would remove & resubscribe all sites, and likely resetting whatever you’ve defined as “First Report Time”.

Rolling a VM snapshot to an earlier point in time; deleting the BESData directory; deleting some of the registry values; revoking the certificate from the Console.

Hi Jason,

This sounds legit. Recently i deleted my BESData directory as the superseded patches still showing while when patch deployed, it’s resulting not relevant. However, is this normal?

Hi @hannan
On the Console, go to Tools > Manage Properties
Look for the “First Report Time” property and please provide the relevance statement

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(month of it as two digits & “/” & day_of_month of it as two digits & “/” & year of it as string)
of date (local time zone) of (minimum of subscribe times of sites)

Let’s get HCL to supply this AND have it formatted as date/time so we can do date boolean logic against it. Today, it’s just a string and that is useless.