Firefox --need some help

(imported topic written by g14_yeah)


Anybody having a RP for config the firefox proxy?


(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

Has anyone been able to get the Firefox settings out of the prefs.js file in %Appdata%\mozilla\firefox\profiles?

(imported comment written by jessewk)

What exactly do you want out of that file. Looks pretty easy.

(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

Need the proxy server and Automatic Configuration URL. IE is easy because it is in the registry. This proved a little difficult for me.

(imported comment written by jessewk)

I don’t have my Firefox configured with those specific settings so you’ll need to adapt this to work with those specific settings, but it should be straightforward to work off the example:

preceding texts of lasts “);” of following texts of firsts "spellchecker.dictionary%22, " of lines of files “prefs.js” of folders of folders “Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles” of folders (values “APPDATA” of keys “Volatile Environment” of current user keys (logged on users) of registry as string)

Note that I set this up to only return results for logged on users. That could be changed. Also, the query won’t work in the relevance debugger, but it will work if you create a retrieved property or use Lee Wei’s Client API Tester:

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


Did you ever develop a script? Is it something you could share?


(imported comment written by jpeppers91)


Firefox AutoConfig URL Settings

preceding texts of lasts “);” of following texts of firsts "network.proxy.autoconfig_url%22, " of lines of files “prefs.js” of folders of folders “Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles” of folders (values “APPDATA” of keys “Volatile Environment” of current user keys (logged on users) of registry as string)

Firefox Proxy Settings

preceding texts of lasts “);” of following texts of firsts "network.proxy.no_proxies_on%22, " of lines of files “prefs.js” of folders of folders “Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles” of folders (values “APPDATA” of keys “Volatile Environment” of current user keys (logged on users) of registry as string)

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)


Thanks for the logic for finding the Firefox proxy settings! I may have not been clear. We were actually looking for the fixlet / task action script for updating those settings.

Has anyone been able to successfully add them if they don’t exist or update them if they do? I’m a little weak in the action script area and this one looks especially challenging.

(imported comment written by Kenz91)


I was trying out your script to pull the proxy settings from Firefox but it doesn’t appear to work. I guess Firefox has changed. It now creates some randomly named directory under profiles and then puts the prefs.js file in there. Any ideas?