Firefox ESR-bookmarks/browsing history/saved passwords have to be taken care

We have too many different versions in the environment and I want to standardize to one Firefox ESR (x64) using Bigfix. Also, bookmarks/browsing history/saved passwords have to be taken care of. Then if something goes wrong wanna do Rollback too?
So please any advice or steps or any fixlets, kindly share your advice

You can update firefox with bigfix. The patches are in updates for windows applications.

I would recommend installing firefox updates such that people are either running the latest firefox or the latest ESR, but I don’t really see a need to force people to switch to ESR if they are used to running latest.

Switching from latest firefox to ESR firefox would require uninstalling latest then installing ESR. As far as I know, this should not remove user bookmarks / history / saved passwords, but hard to say for certain, but if the ESR version can’t read the format of those things from the firefox latest, then there is no real way to do it, it just wouldn’t work.

Thanks, Jgstew for replying. I want to make all Firefox ESR (64) the same latest version.
So still I need to uninstall and reinstall? When i am deploying from Bigfix to all machines with the latest FirefoxESR(64) still will there be issues with Bookmarks/Browsing history/Saved passwords? Also, iam looking for a rollback fixlet if something goes wrong

Nope, just run the bigfix patch. It will bring all firefox ESR to the latest ESR.

No, updating does not affect user data. The only issue with user data is if you try to go from a newer firefox to and older one and only if firefox has changed the format of how they store the data, which is rare. Most of the time the newer browser data will work with older firefox, but the farther back you go, the less certain that is.

I can’t say I’ve ever encountered a case where this would be required, but having good backups is ideal for any possible failure. Trying to backup and restore firefox user data separately from a typical user state backup sounds complicated. I’m sure it is technically possible, but I have never done it.

Thank you jgstew for your response

Tried to kill the officeclicktorun using fixlet wait taskkill.exe /IM “Officeclicktorun.exe” /T /F still this fixlet fails so tried to stop the service using a task waithidden net stop ClickToRunSvc
exists service “ClickToRunSvc” whose (state of it = “Running”) stopping service was successfull but unable to uninstall Office365