Finding browser extensions with Bigfix inventory

My users are getting crafty with how they access programs they shouldn’t. Since they don’t have direct admin rights, they are installing extensions in their browsers so the program doesn’t show up on in their install programs inventory.

I’m able to track the traffic via my firewall, but I need to be able to prove that extension is installed so I can remove it or have them remove it.

Is there a way to inventory the extensions of browsers with BigFix?

Chrome Windows and Mac … there are a few ways but this one is probably the quickest
Credit @jgstew

(unique values whose(it does not contain “_MSG”) of (it as string) of values of keys “name” of jsons of files “manifest.json” of it; unique values of (it as string) of values of keys “message” of values of keys “appName” of jsons whose(exists keys “appName” of it) of files “messages.json” of folders whose(name of it as lowercase contains “en”) of folders “_locales” of it) of folders of folders of folders “Extensions” of folders “Default” of ( ( folders “google-chrome” of folders of folders “/home” );( folders “Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome” of folders of folders “/Users” );( folders “AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data” of folders of folders (“C:\Users”; “C:\Documents and Settings”) ) )

Firefox (Windows)
following texts of firsts “%22name%22:” of preceding texts of firsts “%22sourceURI%22” of lines whose (it contains “%22name%22:”) of files “addons.json” of folders of folders “Appdata\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles” of folders of folder (name of drive of system folder &"\Users")

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Hi ,
i tried the above analysis for IE after replacing the IE @ chrome.
But its not giving the result. I was looking for analysis to get install extension in IE

i got power shell script that will provide all IE extension. I am sharing link and PowerShell script

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