(imported topic written by jstauf91)
I am new to BES but have a scripting background, but can’t quite get myself started on an inventory script for Solaris… I’ve got it running fine in a shell script I can execute manually, but the echo commands don’t always want to dump the information specified so I figured I’d try using the native code…
What I need to do is check to see if a folder exists and if so then check it for files. In shell this is written as:
if ; then
find /app/IBM -name “*.properties” > /var/tmp/ibm.prop
The BES equivalent of this as far as I can tell would be:
if {(exists folder “/app/IBM”)}
names of find files “*.properties” of folder “/app/IBM” > /var/tmp/ibm.prop
However I get an Invalid Action Script error telling me that it can not parse action script for Action4 line 3: Unknown action command.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong?