Find Baselines that Contain a Fixlet

I am trying to write session relevance that will return all baselines that contain a given fixlet. Here is what I have, but nothing is being returned.

names of source fixlets whose (name of it contains "MS22-May") of components of component groups of fixlets whose (baseline flag of it) of bes custom sites whose (name of it = "Servers")

The basic query structure works for me testing on my own baselines…

edit: Oh, the string comparison in the name is case-sensitive, the fixlets are published with MS22-MAY in all-uppercase

Yes that works but it is returning the names of all of the fixlets in baselines. I want the name of the baselines that contain a fixlet.

This returns all of the baselines in my Bigfix installation. It seems like it should work.

(names of bes baselines) of (bes custom sites whose (name of it = "Servers"))

Ah, I see I misunderstood the query.

I didn’t get your latest query to work on my side, though, I don’t think ‘bes baselines’ are a property of a site. I did come up with this alternate though

names of bes baselines whose (name of site of it = "Servers" and exists components whose (name of it contains "MS22-MAY") of component groups of it)
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That did it! Thanks Jason.