(imported topic written by deschodt91)
Took some doing, as fonts seem to only install “in person” on Win7 ! The way we ended up doing it is convoluted but it works on remote pushes to machines that are pretty locked down:
- An Installshield setup.exe drops the font file in c:\windows\fonts, plus a VB script and a batch file in an unlocked folder (“c:\barcode” here, permissions set to everyone), and imports a registry entry on the PC.
For instance this font is 3of 9 Bar code…
The vb script, named barcode.vbs, is as follows :
Set objShell = CreateObject(“Shell.Application”)
Set objFolder = objShell.Namespace(“c:\windows\fonts”)
Set objFolderItem = objFolder.ParseName(“FRE3OF9X.ttf”)
The batch file, called Runme.bat, is equally mundane:
cscript “C:\Barcode\barcode.vbs”
the registry key is the juicy bit:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\Barcode
It uses active setup, so that when the user logs on next time, regedit compares the current user hive with that new stuff, doesn’t see it, and adds it… that forces the batch file to run the VB script under that user profile, and registers the damn font !
Seems to work !!!