Filtering Web Reports Content by date

Hi there,

We would like to filter Content by its release date. At the moment we do the following:

However, it would be ideal if we could do something like “is older than X months”. Is it possible to filter by date in that way somehow? otherwise we would need to adjust the filter’s date manually which is not very convenient.


Hi, unfortunately, not by default grid. The only “time” type property that allows proper filtering is “Last Report Time” but unfortunately, nothing else. I do have an idea logged in for that same thing but it was never committed to - feel free to vote and push it through.

As an alternative, you can always write yourself a Custom report using session relevance and you can even write some kind of HTML form with input form to make it dynamic (I am sure there are plenty of examples for that) but you can use something like this as far as session relevance is concerned:

(name of it, source release date of it) of bes fixlets whose (exists source release date whose (it <= (current date - 3 * month)) of it)