Filtering plural string results

I’m trying to filter results from this expression:
unique values of names of users whose( logon count of it = maximum of logon counts of users )

but a whose-it clause doesn’t seem to do the trick. I’d like to exclude certain users from this expression, perhaps using the set property, but so far no love.

Here are two different ways to filter the results with whose:

names whose (it as lowercase != “MY User” as lowercase) of users whose( logon count of it = maximum of logon counts of users )

names of users whose (name of it as lowercase != “My User” as lowercase AND logon count of it = maximum of logon counts of users )

And here’s one way (there are others) to filter out multiple users with whose (a variation of the first option above):

names whose (“|User1|User2|User3|” as lowercase does not contain “|” & it as lowercase & “|”) of users whose( logon count of it = maximum of logon counts of users )

Perfect, now the next question, a bit trickier, I have three different properties from an analysis and I want the value of the fourth property to be whichever property is the most prevalent. Example:

Property 1: UserA
Property2: UserB
Property3: UserA
Property 4 should be UserA (since 2 out of three are that value), and if there is no winner, the value should be “N/a”

You might be able to take the full relevance of each property and stick them together, assuming they all return the same object type. Then you could use a trick with Unique Values to count the instances and choose a winner based on maximum.

((relevance for Property1);(relevance for Property2);(relevance for Property3))

q: tuple string item 1 of item 1 of  (maximum of (it as integer) of tuple string items 0 of substrings separated by "|" of  it, substrings separated by "|" of it) whose (item 0 of it as string = tuple string item 0 of item 1 of it) of concatenation "|" of (it as string) of (multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of ("a";"b";"a";"c")
A: a