Filtering machines based on Hostname

Hello All,

I’ve recently been trying to get BigFix to only show me machines based on a naming convention we use within the mahcine hostname. In this case, “-LT” for laptops and “-DT” for desktops.

I’ve experimented with this:

(computer name contains “-LT”) OR (computer name contains “-DT”) and it seems to almost work as I get other results in there, somehow. Is the syntax I’m using correct?

Are you saying that you get other results that are seemingly random or that the other results contain the values you test for but not in the position in the name that fits your naming convention?

Seemingly random. I just tested the same expression but with “-LT” and “-TC” but I get a few “-DT” in there as well. They all follow a strict naming convention so in other words, “-TC”, “-LT” and “-DT” exist only at the end of those hostnames, and nowhere prior to that.

Are those odd results merely valid results from the previous version of your fixlet that have not been re-evaluated and reported by the client?
All of the evaluation is done by the client and not the server so the current results will still show for each client until it has re-evaluated and reported. It isn’t the same as running a query on a database.

I thought it was a time issue (not enough time for everything to re-evaluate), so I left it yesterday overnight. Same issue. I’m kinda baffled at this.

Update for all interested, I gave up waiting for the relevance to update, because it never did, then deployed my actions. It seems that AFTER deploying the actions, the filters are in effect as they should. Weird, but thought I should share that.