Filter by User AD Security Groups

Trying to add relevance to an existing FIXLET, that will filter by the currently logged in user’s security groups. I’ve had success with doing this via the COMPUTER’s security groups, but the USER’s are causing issues. When i run the following…

names of groups of local user of active directory

…it returns a list of groups that my test account is and is not a member of. If I further narrow down by…

names of groups of local user “username” of active directory

…it yields the same results. Does anyone else have this issue? Is there a reason that it’s not pulling the correct list of security groups? It almost seems like it’s picking values from any user profile that has ever logged into the client PC.

So I’ve found the analysis in BigFix that gets a dump of all ou’s and security groups from users of the client…

unique values of values of components whose (type of it=“CN”) of distinguished names (distinguished names of (groups of local computer of active directory;groups of local users of active directory))

…i’ve trimmed this to get just the groups of the local users…

unique values of values of components whose (type of it=“CN”) of distinguished names (distinguished names of (groups of local users of active directory))

…now I just need to figure out how to target the currently logged on user, and not all local users of the client PC.