FillDB Performance Logging - Enabled Forever

This is more of an FYI regarding enabling the Perf log as shown below. I’ve noted on two systems that setting the EnablePerformanceLogs to 1 (and restarting the FillDB service) continues to log. Removing the key all together continues to log. I wanted to ask for confirmation from others.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\BigFix\Enterprise Server\FillDB

Type: REG_SZ
Name: PerformanceDataPath
Value: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\FillDBData\FillDBPerfLog.txt

Type: REG_SZ
Name: EnablePerformanceLogs
Value: 1 (setting it to 0 deactivates it)

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I believe this is normal behaviour.

According to EnablePerformanceLogs is “1” as a kind of a default even if it does not exist, only if you set EnablePerformanceLogs to 0 will it stop.
The key being if PerformanceDataPath has a valid path and EnablePerformanceLogs does not exist OR exists but is 1 it will log regardless.

So technically you do not need EnablePerformanceLogs key to enable performance logging

EDIT: Also backed up by!/wiki/Tivoli%20Endpoint%20Manager/page/BigFix%20Logging%20Guide


Good catch. I should send that to IBM. When I mentioned this to them they said it was a bug. I think the community would agree that a setting of 0 or non-existence should stop logging.

The correct type and name should be ->

Name: EnablePerformanceLogging