File type search

what would be the best way for me to do a search for all pdf files on a person pc. and return or list those names ?

Searching all disk drives for files can be very resource intensive. It is recommended that the actual search piece be done as an action. The results can be echoed to a file and then retrieved with a simple retrieved property/analysis to parse the contents of that file.

This link describes one method using relevance in the action script.

Or, the action script can also be modified to capture the output of

C:\dir /S *.pdf

to a file and in a similar fashion retrieve the results using a retrieved property/analysis


As @zpt8mjs mentions, this is generally a bad idea.

It is slightly better if you limit the scope of the search to a few very particular folders.

What is the use case? What are you trying to achieve?

my company wants to find files on users pc with out knowing the location.