I’m working up a presentation I want to do for InterConnect and I wanted to provide code snippets that people could go download and use for themselves. Some will be action script, others will be some code examples I use to interact with the BigFix REST API. If they accept my presentation, where would be the best place to put these files? A forum instance here or some other location in bigfix.me?
Code example would be best shared on github. If appropriate you can make a pull request to https://github.com/bigfix/restapi-examples, or just host it on your own. Actions and other content is best shared on bigfix.me
I would recommend creating your own github account if you don’t have one and host all of it there.
I would also recommend sharing helpful relevance portions and fixlets/tasks/analyses on bigfix.me in addition to github. It also makes sense to put some of the more useful items onto IBM’s github repos where they are most appropriate, but that is more complicated to do and could be done later.
It isn’t a bad idea to make a forum post or a “github page” or both with a summary or deep dive into what you are presenting.
Both the BigFix forum and Github use Markdown, so you can have the same content in both systems for the most part.
Many of my more useful BigFix forum posts are also posted here: https://github.com/jgstew/jgstew.github.io/tree/master/_posts
Which can be viewed in that location directly in a similar way to the BigFix forum, but then they also show up here: http://jgstew.github.io/
- http://jgstew.github.io/2016/11/14/Create-BigFix-Content-to-Install-Windows-Software-From-Scratch.html
- Create content to install windows software from scratch
- https://github.com/jgstew/jgstew.github.io/blob/master/_posts/2016-11-14-Create-BigFix-Content-to-Install-Windows-Software-From-Scratch.md
All 3 of these links are the same markdown. The 2 github links are actually from the exact same file. Changing this: https://github.com/jgstew/jgstew.github.io/blob/master/_posts/2016-11-14-Create-BigFix-Content-to-Install-Windows-Software-From-Scratch.md also changes this: http://jgstew.github.io/2016/11/14/Create-BigFix-Content-to-Install-Windows-Software-From-Scratch.html (it takes about 30 seconds for the change to propagate)
I now tend to write posts in GitHub directly and then put them on the BigFix forum when they are ready. I may make subsequent changes, but I’ll make those in GitHub and then copy them over to the forum when completed.
Part of the reason I do this is that the history in GitHub is much more valuable and useful than the history in the forum.
Here is a post I haven’t put on the forum yet: https://github.com/jgstew/jgstew.github.io/blob/master/_posts/2016-12-01-Optimizing-BigFix-Relevance:-exists.md
Here is the history overview of that post: https://github.com/jgstew/jgstew.github.io/commits/master/_posts/2016-12-01-Optimizing-BigFix-Relevance:-exists.md
Here is the breakdown of a specific change in that history: https://github.com/jgstew/jgstew.github.io/commit/1bdf06f432781f49e795dca310d56c69bf1aa201
All of this is done directly through the GitHub web interface. I could do this through setting up a GIT repo on my machine, but I don’t bother with most simpler things anymore.
Also, I should point out, that GitHub is excellent for hosting files, source code, and presentations. I mostly focused above about text.
One thing that is nice is that you can have a file called “Interconnect2017.pptx” and just keep updating it over and over again and github will have a link that you can provide to link people so that they always get the newest version no matter when they go to it, but you can also link to a specific version in the commit history, so you could also point people to the actual version presented, which might not be the newest version.