File Parsing - WebUI and Analysis error determination

My objective is to gather data from a set of logs and pull that into an analysis.

In debugger, I get the results that I expect.

concatenation "; " of ((substrings before “.” of following texts of positions 22 of it of names of it, (it as trimmed string) of line 2 of it) of files whose (name of it starts with “ABC”) of folder “c:\somefolder” as string)

The result looks something like this:

Role1, some info; Role2, some other info; …

When using that same expression in WebUI, I receive a partial response. The portion I see is correct, just incomplete.

In an analysis, it returns ‘error’.

So I turned client debug to max on my test client. When I run the Query, I get the following in the debug log:

DebugMessage [ThreadTime:12:06:39] Query with id 179 completed the processing, but an error occurred

Maddening that it doesn’t say what the error is at max debug. Any ideas?

Bump. Does anyone have ideas?

File name longer that 21 characters?

File has at least two lines? Not locked by another process updating it? Maybe try locked lines of file instead?

Folder exists?

Some of the other plurals like

Might cause empty results if the line is lacking a “.” but shouldn’t cause an error.


So the assumptions are all good. The files aren’t locked, have a structured naming convention, and are located in a folder that definitely exists.

As I noted, testing in Debugger yields the expected answer. WebUI gives a truncated answer, but analysis with the same relevance yields ‘error’.

Interestingly, machines with less than 10 files to compare always report correctly. On a machine with 23 files to compare is where it seems to have issues. Maybe the clue is that WebUI is only reporting part of the answer. I’ll open a bug ticket for this issue.

So after opening a case and wrestling with it for a few days, I discovered the inconsistency. The lab machine I was using had a slightly older debugger (9.5.2) than my environment (9.5.14). When performing the same query in 9.5.14 debugger, I got the same error as my analysis. (Versus on 9.5.2 it gave me a result.) From that, I was able to break it apart to find it wasn’t handling an empty line that I was expecting to be filled. Which, in turn, led to finding that the script generating the logs (for analysis consumption) wasn’t handling all the exceptions.

Moral of the story is to use the version of debugger than corresponds to your level of environment.