Failed to prefetch download

hi guys, I have the error above when trying to download from firefox website, using the following command:

download as fireFox-win64.msi

can someone please tell me what is the issue?
it seems like basic download request that previously already worked for me

I tested your action script in my environment and the file was downloaded as expected to the _Download folder on the targeted endpoint.
Have you verified the download folder on the endpoint to ensure it is not in there (Program Files(x86)/BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\actionsite__Download)? Are you using a Fixlet or a Task? Have you defined any success criteria after this action completes? See @AlanM response on a previous thread regarding a “Failed” status.

Does the download get cached to your server (information is in the Summary tab of the action (or Member action for baselines etc))?

seems like after deleting the file from cache, it succeeded to download.

I don’t know why that would be, but I never use that form of the download - I always use the form that checks the size and hash of the file, even for stuff hosted internally.