Failed //**End Closing Marker

All of my results show the last line as a failure, even though the exit code is 0 and the install seems to be successful and report a status of Complete. Any thoughts?

Do you have other ActionScripts using this same end of script line? Is this only on one fixlet your seeing this on? I have run across strange ASCII characters that get pasted into action scripts that mess with things.

To me, it looks natural because you have exit and then something after that.

BigFix Action Guide says following about exit:

If there are no executable lines after the exit command, the action will complete successfully. However, if there are other commands after the exit command, the run-to-completion action will fail.

I see see what you’re saying; basically anything after an ‘exit’ even a comment, will fail by design. This is SWD generated so it’s kind of odd IBM would include a comment after an exit.

Which site generated this?

Tasks created by the SWD process.

SWD from BES Support or another site though?

The “Manage Software Distribution Packages” dashboard in “Software Distribution” site creates the task with the comment “//**End Closing Marker” after exit as in the original post.


Did you ever resolve this issue? I am having the same issue - I created a package for the deployment of a Microsoft Hotfix, the package installed successfully - however the reported back “Failed” with the action script failing on the last line
Failed //**End Closing Marker

It seems to be expected behavior and I don’t recall it causing me problems other than it not looking right.

Has anyone else experienced this issue - if I send out this deployment to 70,000 devices - they will all report back as “Failed”.
How will I know which are true failures?

We now provide the exit code so if you see anything strange in that column then you might have an issue.

Again if someone can tell me which site this came from we can take a look at fixing it (the site that the dashboard is in)

It’s in the Software Distribution site.

Completed parameter "returnCode" = "{exit code of action}" 
Completed // Task will now exit. 
Completed exit {parameter "returnCode"} 
Failed //**End Closing Marker 

The action shows as completed though.

Is this being sent as a single action, or as part of a baseline? I’ve seen some instances where an evaluation error in a later component will sometimes erroneously flag the error as occurring in an earlier component.

Yes, the SWD is where it shows and looking at my recent Actions, it is still happening. But in my case it isn’t causing an issue. In my picture below, you can see that a SWD generated task to deploy Visio completed succesfully with Exit Code 0; but the Action Info shows Failed in the last line.

This is just a single action.

It’s actually fairly immediately reproducible – just find an old uploaded installer and make a new task with it.


I ended up removing this comment from the action script and it reported back as “Completed”.

Hi ,

I experienced this issue as failed. how can i resolve ? only 5-10 client returned completed. (they also have "Failed //**End Closing Marker "

We started experiencing this problem after we upgraded the IBM BigFix Console to v9.5.3.211. Even though it indicates that the action script has failed “Failed //**End Closing Marker” the software distribution did not fail. What we have done is just comment out that line in the action script.

Since this is a comment. just take the comment out or take the
//** out