Failed CPM Deployment

(imported topic written by geeksikh91)

One one machine which had Trend Micro installed previously the CPM deployment fails during post configuration.

The following troubleshooting has been performed so far without success.

  • Uninstalled the Trend Micro previous install manually
  • Tried to deploy using CPM Dashboard (which fails at the same spot)
  • Uninstalled the failed deployment using TMCPMUninstaller.exe
  • Tried to deploy using CPM Dashboard (which fails at the same spot)
  • Used MSCONFIG to disable all third party startup and services on client
  • Tried to deploy using CPM Dashboard (which fails at the same spot)

Any ideas on this would be appreciated.

Here is the description from the Deploy Action

Core Protection Module - Endpoint Deploy OWNER-PC



The action failed.

This action has been applied 1 time.

This action has been retried 3 time and will not be retried.Status Failed

Start Time 4/5/2010 6:46:30 AM

End Time 4/5/2010 6:47:29 AM

Action Script Execution DetailCompleted // action script to deploy CPM Endpoint application

Completed begin prefetch block

Completed if {x64 of operating system}

Completed // add prefetch item for x64 installer

Completed add prefetch item name=TMCPMInstaller.exe sha1=307151cab44ccf0dc790a679249569c8e1008639 size=73791750 url=

Completed else

Completed // add prefetch item for 32-bit installer

Completed add prefetch item name=TMCPMInstaller.exe sha1=867d5770983dea04e3c62bfdaf069f28befa985e size=56416575 url=

Completed endif

Completed end prefetch block

Completed // specify custom install path

Completed action parameter query “install_path” with description “Specify an installation path%0A%0AFor default installation path, leave blank”

Completed // *** CHECK *** Action fails here if install path contains %environment_variables% OR illegal characters " ? * | / and :

Completed // OR if the path has no drive letter specified, i.e. “\folder1\folder2”

Completed continue if {(if (it = “”) then (true) else ((not exists matches (regular expression "


") of it) of ((parenthesized part 3 of matches (regular expression “^(\w+):(\)?(.*)$”) of it) as string) of (if (it starts with “%22” AND it ends with “%22”) then ((preceding text of position (length of it - 1) of it) of (following text of position 1 of it) of it) else (it)))) of ((parameter “install_path” of action) as string)}

Completed // *** CHECK *** Action fails here if default install path ("") OR custom install path does not contain a valid drive that meets minimum 700 MB space requirement

Completed continue if {(if (it = “”) then (exists it whose (type of it = “DRIVE_FIXED” AND free space of it >= 70010241024) of (drive of parent folder of client)) else (if (exists parenthesized part 2 of matches (regular expression “^(%22)?(\w):”) of it) then ((exists drive it whose (type of it = “DRIVE_FIXED” AND free space of it >= 70010241024)) of ((parenthesized part 2 of matches (regular expression “^(%22)?(\w):”) of it as string) & “:”)) else (false))) of ((parameter “install_path” of action) as string)}

Completed // delete CPMInstallResult.log

Completed delete “{pathname of windows folder}\CPMInstallResult.log”

Completed // run installer.

Completed if {((parameter “install_path” of action)) as string = “”}

Completed // default path

Completed waithidden “{download path “TMCPMInstaller.exe”}” -i “{name of drive of parent folder of client & “” & following text of last “” of value of variable “ProgramFiles” of environment & “\Trend Micro”}”

Completed else

Completed // custom path

Completed waithidden “{download path “TMCPMInstaller.exe”}” -i “{(if (exists substring between “%22” of it) then (substring between “%22” of it) else (it)) of ((parameter “install_path” of action) as string)}”

Completed endif

Completed // Apply default ondemand.ini

on demand settings wizard

Completed delete ondemand.ini

Completed delete “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\ondemand.ini”

Completed createfile until __DONE


Scan Now Configuration

Completed Enable = 1

Completed ScanAllFiles = 1

Completed IntelliScan = 1

Completed ExtList =

Completed ScanCompressed = 1

Completed CompressedLayer = 2

Completed ScanBoot = 1

Completed IntelliTrap = 1

Completed ScanSpeed = 1

Completed EnableExclusion = 1

Completed ActiveAction = 1

Completed EnableUniAct = 1

Completed BkUpIfClean = 1

Completed MoveDir = {value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string}\Quarantine

Completed CleanFailedMoveDir = {value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string}\Quarantine



Scan Now Configuration Ex

Completed ExcludeTrendProduct = 1

Completed ExcludedFolder =

Completed ExcludedFile =

Completed ExcludedExt =



Spyware Scan Now Configuration

Completed Enable = 1

Completed ActionType = 1

Completed __DONE

Failed copy __createfile “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\ondemand.ini”

waithidden “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\TMCPMCLI.exe” CONFIG -i “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\ondemand.ini”

regset "


" “SetDefaultScanSettingsActionID”="{id of active action}"

// Apply default realtime.ini

real-time settings wizard

delete realtime.ini

delete “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\realtime.ini”

createfile until __DONE

Real Time Scan Configuration

Enable = 1

ScanIncoming = 1

ScanOutgoing = 1

ScanAllFiles = 1

IntelliScan = 1

ExtList =

ScanShutdown = 0

ScanNetwork = 0

ScanCompressed = 1

CompressedLayer = 2

IntelliTrap = 1

EnableExclusion = 1

ActiveAction = 1

EnableUniAct = 1

BkUpIfClean = 1

MoveDir = {value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string}\Quarantine

CleanFailedMoveDir = {value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string}\Quarantine

Spyware Real Time Scan Configuration

Enable = 1

ActionType = 1

Real Time Scan Configuration Ex

ExcludeTrendProduct = 1

ExcludedFolder = {(concatenation “|” of ((if (exists regapp “besclient.exe”) then (pathname of parent folder of regapp “besclient.exe” as string & “__BESData”) else “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData”) ; (if (exists regapp “besrelay.exe”) then (pathname of parent folder of regapp “besrelay.exe” as string) else “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Relay”) ; (if (exists value “EnterpriseServerFolder” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server” of registry) then (value “EnterpriseServerFolder” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\Enterprise Server” of registry as string) else “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server”)))}

ExcludedFile =

ExcludedExt =


copy __createfile “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\realtime.ini”

waithidden “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\TMCPMCLI.exe” CONFIG -i “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\realtime.ini”

regset "


" “SetCPMRealTimeSettingsActionID”="{id of active action}"

// Apply default global.ini

global settings wizard

delete global.ini

delete “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\global.ini”

createfile until __DONE

Global Setting

GlobalLargeCompressedFileScanSetting = 1

MaximumExtractFileSize = 2

CompressedFileCount = 100

OleLayer = 3

ExcludeExchangeStore = 1

ZipCleanOnOff = 0

EnableAssessment = 0

CookieScanner = 0

DiskReserved = 60


copy __createfile “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\global.ini”

waithidden “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\TMCPMCLI.exe” CONFIG -i “{(value “Application Path” of keys “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\CPM” of registry as string)}\global.ini”

regset "


" “SetCPMGlobalSettingsActionID”="{id of active action}"

// set install time.

regset "


" “InstallTime”="{apparent registration server time}"

// if necessary, reboot the machine.

if {exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\HIPS” whose (exists value “NeedRebootForDrivers” of it) of registry}

// reboot

action requires restart {“CPM_DEPLOY”}


// in case of any pending file rename operations

action may require restart {“CPM_DEPLOY”}


// OfficeScan installation reboot check

if {(exists file “CPMInstallResult.log” whose (exists line whose (it as string contains “Status=6”) of it) of windows folder)}

action requires restart {“CPM_DEPLOY”}


(imported comment written by geeksikh91)

CPM got deployed on that machine.

I had disabled UAC and also used MSConfig to disable all third party services and startup.

I redeployed CPM and also setup to reapply 3 times in case of failure and 3 retry.

What I would love to get answered from the experts is if they can look at the logs attached and see what made it a sucess? Is it just try again and again in failures?


(imported comment written by pdentremont91)

We have the exact same problem on a regular basis. I would love to get some direction from the experts as well.


(imported comment written by geeksikh91)

I stumbled upon a solution after getting no help on the forum for this issue. You can try this and hope it will work for you as well.

The solution was to retry 3 times in case of failure and Reapply when it becomes relevant in the Deploy Action. Once it was deployed I stopped the Action.

The problem with the default Deploy Action is that it does not retry if it fails once.

(imported comment written by pdentremont91)

Thanks geeksikh,

We do that now and usually have to re-apply it many times and eventually it gets installed it just impacts our deployment times.


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

This is a few months after the fact… but i ran into this same issue.

I was experiencing problems updating existing clients, deploying to new clients, etc…

Found the problem in a custom task that created a file. It created a file with no extension… c:\Program

obviously this caused problems all over the place… even cause service start problems on my windows home server console.

After creating a custom task to delete this rogue file, everything is starting to work correctly…

(imported comment written by geeksikh91)

Hi Daniel,

Can you please share more details on the fix for the custom action script. We still have issues of reliably deploying CPM.

facing the exact same issue now in 2016 with CPM v11 SP 1.
does anyone know how to fix this issue?