Extracting the clients to network share

First post on here. Is there any way when the ilmt server is updated and the new clients are produced, as well as them saving on the ilmt server (RHEL server) itself, can we extract them to a network share as well?


So you want the installers for the BES Client itself?

There should be a fixlet for “Updated Installation Folders”, I believe in the BES Support site. You should be able to run that against your root server to create the client installer setup files and masthead, and afterward you can copy them anywhere for convenient distribution.

Well I know that, only issue with our set up is that due to security hardening I am unable to sftp the files across. We could set up a cronscript to automatically move the files, however this is not really something we want to do.

When the clients are updated on our central ilmt server I would like it to automatically update the clients on a remote share.