External Site Relevance - Best Practice

With regards to activating an External Site, Patches for Mac OS X, in this example, the Details tab has External Subscription Constraints by default. Assuming a mixed OS deployment and assuming you want all Mac OS’s to subscribe to this content, is it necessary to then add further relevance on the Computer Subscriptions tab, for example “OS contains mac” or can you just leave it as “All computers”?

In past deployments, we performed this extra step. We believed that without it, other OS’s, Windows for example, would still process the info, degrading performance, if only by a small amount. Others say that that isn’t the case and leaving the defaults in place is fine.

Which is the correct statement?

I always add that extra step to manage the servers and I believe everyone does that and leaving it with All computers doesn’t workout in most of the cases, as the relevance will still try to evaluate and identify whether the servers is related to MAC or Windows or etc.,


If you click on the, “Details” tab of each site you can see that each site has, “Site Level Relevance” which will restrict subscribing computers to only those that could be applicable.

This works well for patch sites especially as it limits only mac computers to the Updates for Mac Applications.

For your own use you may choose to restrict it further (macs of a certain department or type) with computer subscription relevance but it doesn’t provide any performance benefit by limiting membership via computer subscription if all that subscription is checking for is that the OS is Mac OS X.

Thank you. It sounds like using the “Site Level Relevance” is sufficient enough and that subscribing all computers is fine (unless you want to further restrict content).