External Site Registration

Hi guys,

We are setting up bigfix in our environment. For LAN, things are panning out fine. But for external sites, how do i get the endpoints registered on the bigfix console.
I tried registering one device in the LAN and then took it to the remote location. It was reporting back to the server, but not scanning the network.

Also, is it necessary to have different machines as scan point and relay, or can we use the same machine as both.

Owais Rashid

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Good afternoon Owais,

Can you please elaborate as to what you mean by:

Do you have a server in the DMZ? Typically the communication from an external client back inside the network is handled from the masthead that is referenced during client installation.

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Second that. Do you mean “unmanaged asset scanner”, the nmap-based network discovery?

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Thanks for the reply guys.
Actually i was not able to scan the remote LAN. Now that issue is resolved and i scanned it. It also fetched the endpoints and listed them in the Unmanaged Assets.
But now i cannot push the client to the endpoints. When i see the applicable computers tab in the “install client deploy tool” fixlet. the remote endpoint that i used to scan the network is not there.