Exporting a list of machines

(imported topic written by murtasma91)

I’ve been trying to figure out what’s the easiest way to export a list of machines that are within our BigFix site. With other software distrubtion products such as SCCM this process is fairly simple. You just select a collection, right click and select export to create a CSV file. I don’t see anything like this within the BigFix console. What would be the best way to export a list of machine’s within BigFix. I would like to compare our pilot site to our production site so I can perform some cleanup on the pilot site to remove machines that have been migrated over to our production BigFix server.

(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

Using webreports should get what you’re looking for.

(imported comment written by murtasma91)

Yep I just figured that part out, apparently there is not way to do this within the console however. :frowning:

(imported comment written by Shlomi91)


you can copy the machines straight from the console (select your machines, and use CTRL+C, paste to excel).However, this wont copy the column headers.

To solve this, you can use the custom right-click tool from


, makes the job much easier!


(imported comment written by murtasma91)

Thank you this is perfect just what I was looking for!