Exit Code = 17031 ---- Various Patch Failures

(imported topic written by Gman8291)

Hi guys,

I have a few patches that are not being applied due to exit code=17031

Command succeeded (Exit Code=17031) waithidden __Download\Office2007-kb2289158-fullfile-x86-glb.exe /quiet /norestart (fixlet 83584)

MS09-062 - GDI+ Compatibility pack for word, excel

MS10-087 - Vulnerabilities in MS Office Could allow remote code execution - Office 2007 SP2

Possibly more…

Searching online the only thing i have found relating to MS patches and this exit code is here…


States - Invalid Baseline

However i cannot find any further info on what this means…

Can anyone shed any light on this??

Many thanks,


(imported comment written by BenKus)

I don’t know much about the exit codes for patches… but maybe it means that it can’t find the Office CD source?


(imported comment written by Gman8291)

Ok, thanks for the reply Ben. Much appreciated.