Exit code 1 on AIX

Hello House,

I am using Bigfix to install Cimtrack (FIM) agents on AIX and also direct it to point to a repository.

The deployment script status showed completed but the exit code was 1 and the agent isn’t reporting to my console.

How do I go about this?

I have uploaded the .bes file of the distribution taskCIMTRAK AIX-edited.bes (9.9 KB)

It’s difficult to say what’s causing the failure but generally speaking it’s likely due to the command that’s being ran

wait bash run.sh

I’d have this as:

wait sh -c "run.sh"

I’d also be more inclined to use

continue if {exit code of action = 0}


parameter "returnCode" = "{exit code of action}"
exit {parameter "returnCode"}

as the exit code from the action will appear anyway

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Generally, Exit Code = 1 on BigFIx action is not really “execution” exit code but instead the actual actionscript commands have failed due to “file not found”. I generally see it if you try to run a file that doesn’t exist in the specified location or something along those lines, so take a look at the agent log file it will show you exactly where it gets the exit code and should give you a pretty good indication which file is the problem one.

Maybe a part of the logfile would be helpful. Anyway, I’m not sure if the downloadpath is really good:
and, as the scripts run in agent context on AIX, I would in case bash is needed try a full path eg /bin/bash or /usr/bin/bash.

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The one that stands out for me is the download of an RPM for the X86_64 architecture instead of for the PPC64 architecture. But I cannot tell if it actually gets used.
I see a ‘rpm -U’ in a MIME field, but again cannot really tell if this x86_64 rpm is used on the AIX target.

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This solved the issue