Exchange Server Version and Service pack info

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)


We’re going to be merging our various ADs into one single AD. Part of this process the Systems team has asked me to see if BigFix can pull the information for each server.

Has anyone got any properties or relevances they use to determine the Exchange server version and service packs?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I did a little research and created my own Property. This will only return information for Exchange Server 2003. Exchange 5.5, 2000 and 2007 won’t work with this.

If exists key “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup” whose (value “ServicePackBuild” of it as integer = 6944) of registry then “Exchange Server 2003” else If exists key “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup” whose (value “ServicePackBuild” of it as integer = 7226) of registry then “Exchange Server 2003 SP1” else If exists key “HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\Setup” whose (value “ServicePackBuild” of it as integer >= 7638) of registry then “Exchange Server 2003 SP2” else “No Exchange Installed”

(imported comment written by r.o.u.s.91)

Just building on to that relevance, albeit a bit more complicated, looking for the corresponding Exchange 2007 would do the trick. I assume you would have to use the ‘keys of keys of it’ trick.

The Exchange 2007 version information is found in htis registry key:


You will find a string value looking like this:, where 8 is the major version number, .1 is SP1 and whatever comes after that is build and minor build number

Good luck!