excessive Office 2016 and 2019 downloads for airgapped environment since beginning of July

Hello all,
We download patch content weekly for use in an airgapped environment, and since the beginning of July, Office 2016 and 2019 patches have gone wild. What used to be less than 3 GB (at the most) has turned into 47+GB each. This seems to have started around the beginning of July. The size of the filelist generated for office 2016 by the below commands has jumped from 1-9kb to 41kb, 325kb, and 85kb for the past 3 weeks Similar downloads are also being experienced with our office 2019 downloads. Did something change in July that requires us to change our process?

Here’s the command we use to generate the filelist for office 2016:
BESAirgapTool.exe -site sitelist\sitelist-win.txt -createFilelist filelists\filelist-off2016-delta-date.txt -fProduct “Office 2016” -fdays 6 -timeout 90

and here’s the command we use to download the files for office 2016:
BESAirgapTool.exe -download 6 -file filelists\filelist-off2016-delta-date.txt -cache downloads\office2016 -timeout 90

Any help would be greatly appreciated.