Would like assistance on this relevance need. We are currently working through our 2008 ESU Activation, but due to domain and affiliated companies, are not able to stand up a VAMT server in each domain as of yet.
So the team is currently running the ESU Key Management: Install and Activate MAK - Windows Server 2008 SP2 and Windows Server 2008R2 SP1 fixlet. If we get an Exit code of 8698, we then run custom content to dump the slmgr.vbs /dlv command to an output text file to then pull the information back via an Analysis.
My relevance currently to pull back the Installation ID:
concatenation " | " of (following texts of firsts ": " of lines whose (it contains “Installation ID”) of file “location of the output file”)
This pulls back the ESU MAK as well as the KMS content. I would like to pull back just the Server-ESU-Year content or then N/A if not present.
Thanks for coming to the Webinar. Here is the relevance and action scripts we demoed.
q: preceding text of first "|" of following text of first "|Installation ID: " of substrings separated by "|Name: " whose (it contains "Client-ESU-Year" ) of concatenation "|" of lines of file "c:\test\dlv.txt"
A: 007930605165495316230836842442205310429671343081950512
T: 2.523 ms
q: preceding text of first "|" of following text of first "|Activation ID: " of substrings separated by "|Name: " whose (it contains "Client-ESU-Year" ) of concatenation "|" of lines of file "c:\test\dlv.txt"
A: 77db037b-95c3-48d7-a3ab-a9c6d41093e0
T: 1.703 ms
q: preceding text of first "|" of following text of first "|Extended PID: " of substrings separated by "|Name: " whose (it contains "Client-ESU-Year" ) of concatenation "|" of lines of file "c:\test\dlv.txt"
A: 55041-00172-632-272747-03-1033-7601.0000-0362020
T: 0.870 ms
q: (string value of property "OfflineInstallationId" of it) of select objects "name, licensestatus, OfflineInstallationId, ID from softwarelicensingproduct where LicenseStatus >0" whose (string value of property "name" of it contains "Client-ESU-Year" AND integer value of property "LicenseStatus" of it >1 ) of wmi
delete c:\test\dlv.txt
waithidden cmd.exe /C cscript c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs /dlv >> c:\test\dlv.txt
parameter "Installation ID"="{preceding text of first "|" of following text of first "|Installation ID: " of substrings separated by "|Name: " whose (it contains "Client-ESU-Year" ) of concatenation "|" of lines of file "c:\test\dlv.txt"}"