I’ve set up a new BFI server for LMT and it’s with Airgap Mode enabled since it cannot access Internet. I still get the error that it cannot access internet, and I can’t gather the clients to get a Reporting.efxm file needed for ILMT.
Does anyone have a solution for this?
have you followed the doc?https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSKLLW_9.5.0/com.ibm.bigfix.inventory.doc/Inventory/planinconf/t_enabling_fixlet_no_internet_lin.html
Yes I’ve run the Airgap tool until it’s no more updates.
I need to understand which step is problematic for you and exactly what error do you see.
Ok this is the error for server, even though the BFI server is set with Airgap enabled:
The BES Server appears to be experiencing an error that indicates that it cannot access the Internet to download files or gather the latest Fixlet content.
This error could be caused by a number of different problems including:
The connection through your Internet Service Provider might be temporarily down.
The servers that host the Fixlet site content might be temporarily down.
If you have recently installed, uninstalled then reinstalled, or upgraded the BES Server, you might need to configure the BES Gather service to be able to connect through your proxy server
Note: You should run the BES Diagnostics tool on the BES Server computer under Start > Programs > BigFix Enterprise > BES Diagnostics Tool to make sure that all of the other BES Server components are functioning.
Note: Starting from 9.5.11, if the setting _BESServer_AirgapMode_Enabled is set to “1”, BES Server will not attempt to gather any external site and may not have access to internet.
And I’m not able to perform step 4 in your link:
Subscribe all computers that you want to monitor to the License Metric Tool fixlet site so that its content becomes applicable to these computers.
Log in to the BigFix console.
In the left navigation panel, click Sites > External Sites > IBM License Reporting (ILMT) v9.
In the pane on the right, open the Computer Subscriptions tab, and select All Computers. Click Save Changes. The IBM License Reporting.efxm file is created on the server.
It’s all greyed out with the radiobutton No Computers active which I can’t change.
It seems like I can’t upload any images, so there’s just this description
The Bigfix Root Server and Bigfix Inventory have separate configurations. I think all of the Airgap configuration that you mention applies to the Bigfix Root Server, not BFI, correct?
If you are running your Bigfix Root in airgap mode…have you successfully run the AirgapTool to download the site contents from the Internet and imported into your root server?
Edit: you need to run again if you’ve just activated the ILMT site.
When you check the ILMT content site, on the first tab, what is the Site Version displayed? I’d like to check whether the ILMT site has gathered.
Running in Airgap mode does not mean that the deployment can run without Internet downloads. It just means that you will have to do all of the downloads manually, the server won’t do the downloada automatically for you.
Thanks, I’ve run the Airgap services a couple of times today and now it gathered some more reponses. And I’m able to subscribe All computers:)