Error while attempting to get Serial Number from Fedora endpoint

This is the relevance:

if (name of operating system contains “Win”) then
unique values whose(it != “”) of (it as string as trimmed string) of values “serial_number” of structures “system_information” of smbios
else if (name of operating system contains “Mac”) then
(string “IOPlatformSerialNumber” of dictionary of service plane of iokit registry)
else if (exists dmi and exists serial_number of system_information of dmi) then
(serial_number of system_information of dmi) else (“N/A”)

This is the error
dmi inspector error creating ([[CreateDmiInfo cannot open /dev/mem (1)][CreateDmiInfoMMap cannot open /dev/mem (1)]]) Linux Fedora 31 (5.5.15-200.fc31.x86_64)

The problematic parts of the relevance appears to be those related to the DMI inspector:

Q: exists dmi and exists serial_number of system_information of dmi
A: True

Q: serial_number of system_information of dmi
A: VMware-42 3e 1e 01 ef 65 2a 5a-06 27 c1 c7 e3 b1 c5 4a

I have successfully tested them on one of my RHEL box, as I don’t have a Fedora test system. Please test the above relevance on your Fedora client using the QnA. If it still returns an error then open a ticket and specify what version of Fedora and what version of BESclient (possible the package name) you are using.