IZNAGG0009I Entering TEMAgentDeployment.openTargetConnection() …
IZNAGG0014I Selecting one protocol to connect to …
IZNAGG0052E The following error occurred: java.net.ConnectException: CTGRI0001E The application could not establish a connection to .java.net.ConnectException: CTGRI0001E The application could not establish a connection to .java.net.ConnectException: CTGRI0001E The application could not establish a connection to
Where were those messages coming from? There is no java involved in normal BES Agent installation or running on OSX
This almost sounds like this if the BigFix Labs remote agent installation system? If so you need line of sight network wise to the endpoint and 192.168.X.X is usually a private subnet
Yes, just copy the masthead as “actionsite.afxm” and the PKG to the endpoint, and with them in the same directory run the PKG installer and it will start up.