Error patching Red Hat Linux 6.4

I have an error when I try to patch Red Hat Linux Servers.

Wed Mar 25 14:59:09 2015 Logging in to RedHat...

Wed Mar 25 14:59:09 2015 Successfully logged in to RedHat!

 Wed Mar 25 14:59:09 2015

Searching for elfutils-libelf-0.97.1-5.i386.rpm on Wed Mar 25 15:00:14 2015 Logging in to RedHat…

 Wed Mar 25 15:00:17 2015 Successfully logged in to RedHat!

 Wed Mar 25 15:00:46 2015

Searching for elfutils-libelf-0.97.1-5.i386.rpm on
Wed Mar 25 15:01:16 2015 Logging in to RedHat…

  Wed Mar 25 15:01:18 2015 Successfully logged in to RedHat!

  Wed Mar 25 15:01:53 2015

Searching for elfutils-libelf-0.97.1-5.i386.rpm on

  Wed Mar 25 15:01:53 2015 ERROR: Failed try 2. Trying again in 5 seconds


 ( ... )


  Wed Mar 25 15:15:18 2015 Logging in to RedHat...

  Wed Mar 25 15:15:21 2015 Successfully logged in to RedHat!

 Wed Mar 25 15:15:52 2015

Searching for elfutils-libelf-0.97.1-5.i386.rpm on

 Wed Mar 25 15:15:52 2015

ERROR: Download for RedHatProtocol://elfutils-libelf-0.97.1-5.i386.rpm
failed: Request failed: Could not find package specified by
RedHatProtocol://elfutils-libelf-0.97.1-5.i386.rpm: Request failed:
Giving up after 6 tries

 Is there any other cause for this error?



elfutils-libelf-0.97.1-5.i386.rpm is a RHEL4 file. How are you patching RHEL 6.4? What’s the Fixlet that is triggering the need to download this file?