Error enabling the site

Hi Guys,

Any of you had a problem enabling the site from the console, my environment doesn’t have access to internet or proxy.

I imported the license then, the sites appeared on the console but i can not enable them due to this error:

“There was an error enabling the site, it appears that your server is not able to connect to IBM content server …”

Any advise here?

This may require multiple connections made with the AirGap tool to perform this, have you been doing this?

Hi Alan,

-I am able to enable the sites for Lifecycle managenet but for SCA and SUA…I am not able to enable site…
I tried to enable SCM Reporting site and others too got below error… kindly suggest?

here was an error enabling the site. It appears your server is not able
to connect to the IBM’s content servers. Please check the internet
connection (including proxy settings) and try again."

You will need to edit your BigFix server client settings and add the following setting

_BESGather_LicenseCertificateCommonName =

Once you do that restart your Bigfix gather service