Error 1152: Error extracting bigfix agent msi to temporary location

Hi all,

I am facing this error while installing BES Agent.


Any input will be appreciated :slight_smile:

Disable Antivirus and try.

we cannot disable anti-virus. This is against policy.

Is there enough hard drive space?

Jason, as i could see there is enough space available.

Is the user running the install a member of the local administrators group?

Yes it is @itsmpro92

I think what you are seeing is that without a llt more detail, we aren’t going to be much help in the forum. You’ll probably need to open a support case, where they can walk you through generating an MSI setup log, and help troubleshoot what is wrongon your system.

Check if the temporary folder already exists, if it does, see if you can delete it and try again. I found some references to this error code on Google indicating this can occur when a bad copy of the temporary files/folder already exists.