BigFix Days is an opportunity for us to connect with customers and discuss some meaningful BigFix content.
We’re coming to you LIVE – from our home offices to yours – to share new features, as well as platform configuration and best practices content with you!
Register for this two day conference, Jun 9 and Jun 10, 2020 starting at 1:30 PM EDT each day at the link below.
This is happing live now! Feel free to check the agenda and see which sessions are most valuable to you. Also, this is being recorded.
First day is over, hope you come for day 2!
June 10, 2020, 5:13pm
Will there be cookies for coming back for day 2?
When are you building the matter transport device? Once you have that available, I’ll send all the cookies I can!
June 12, 2020, 2:02pm
Please post the link to the recordings when they become available. Thanks!
1 Like
June 19, 2020, 10:16pm
The links to the recordings have been posted here: BigFix Days Virtual User Conference Content Replay Links
I’ll copy the links here as well:
June 22, 2020, 7:31pm
Was hoping for individual videos for each session vs 2 - 5 hour videos. Luckily it is easy to download these and hack them up in a video program.
Any chance we could get a copy of the slideshows from the v10 presentation?
Ben Dixon, our emcee for the two days, is working on such activities. I believe the plan is to post them to the Technical Advisor YouTube channel. @bd100001 can you confirm?
Yes - true, they will be in the TA Channel, I will make every effort to get them there this week…
@Meydey , I will trade you the videos for a clever BigFix Haiku…
We want to know what BigFix means to you – how would you describe it to someone who had never heard of BigFix? What would you tell them? What words would you use?
We’ve all heard the statement: “Tell me what you mean in 25 words or less.” Well, what about 17 syllables?
Here comes Haiku Day:
What does BigFix mean to you?
Tell us on Thursday!
That’s right, Thursday, June 25 is BigFix Haiku Day! Tell us what BigFix is, what it means to you, in your best Haiku, and win valuable prizes!
June 22, 2020, 11:02pm
Already wrote one. Just need to send it in. Bonus points if the attached file is .bes?
I’d be remiss not to give bonus points for that - question is, what happens if I import it??