ENDED: 7-April Webinar: Get More Done with BigFix – Open Mic – Talking Relays

7-April Webinar: Get More Done with BigFix – Open Mic – Talking Relays

The Get More Done with BigFix Webinar series will give you exclusive access to our Team BigFix experts to learn more about BigFix and answer your questions in real time.

Rhonda Studnick Kaiser, Director of Client Experience, and John Talbert, Director of BigFix Professional Services, are your host and moderators.

In this edition, Michael Paishon, Joe Saylor and Gary Louw along with James Stewart are going to talk BigFix Relays…your questions answered…without a net!

Join us at 1 PM ET/10 AM PT/6 PM UTC+1 by registering at the link below.

Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2789833053583942158

It’s not too late to join us for today’s webinar. Try and stump the panel talking relays!

Here is links to the BigFix Podcast episodes on Relays that the webinar panel is also on: