Enabling Cached Exchange Mode - Having Issue With Fixlet

(imported topic written by tscott91)

I have the following action in a fixlet and for some reason when logged in as a non-admin it fails… When I’m logged in as myself (domain admin) it succeeds.

However, if I log in as a general user, I can open up regedit and manually change the value that the fixlet below changes…

Any ideas?



appendfile REGEDIT4
appendfile [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook\13dbb0c8aa05101a9bb000aa002fc45a]
appendfile "00036601"=hex:84,01,00,00
copy __appendfile temp.reg
prefetch RunAsCurrentUser.exe sha1:a72371f4e968da7ead24f0f4e68c14b234ac94f6 size:184320 http://software.bigfix.com/download/bes … er-2.0.exe
utility __Download\RunAsCurrentUser.exe
waithidden __Download\RunAsCurrentUser.exe regedit /s temp.reg


((value "00036601" of key "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook\13dbb0c8aa05101a9bb000aa002fc45a" of current user key (logged on user) of registry) as string as lowercase != "84010000" as lowercase)

(imported comment written by BenKus)

I think the issue is that the user probably doesn’t have access to the BigFix folder…

Copy the files (temp.reg and RunAsCurrentUser) to a temp folder and then see if that helps…


(imported comment written by tscott91)

Ben, I think your dead on…

What’s the syntax to copy the runascurrentuser? I got the reg file copied but must have the wrong syntax for the exe… Thanks…

appendfile REGEDIT4



HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles\Outlook\13dbb0c8aa05101a9bb000aa002fc45a

appendfile “00036601”=hex:84,01,00,00

copy __appendfile C:\temp.reg

prefetch RunAsCurrentUser.exe sha1:a72371f4e968da7ead24f0f4e68c14b234ac94f6 size:184320 http://software.bigfix.com/download/bes … er-2.0.exe

utility __Download\RunAsCurrentUser.exe

copy __Download\RunAsCurrentUser.exe C:\

waithidden C:\RunAsCurrentUser.exe regedit /s temp.reg

(imported comment written by BenKus)


copy __Download\RunAsCurrentUser.exe C:\RunAsCurrentUser.exe


(imported comment written by tscott91)

That worked, thanks…

Still having issues though… Is there any logging for the RACU exe? Even when I’m running it manually logged in as a domain admin it doesn’t appear to work…

IE: I go into a command prompt and enter runascurrentuser.exe regedit /s temp.reg (both files are in root) and nothing happens…

I try RACU.exe calc.exe and nothing happens either…

Any ideas?

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I’m having the same issue. I’m trying to run an msi install using the runascurrentuser.exe (pulling it down from Bigfix, ver. and nothing happens. It doesn’t even seem to start the msi install! (no logs generated)

(imported comment written by tscott91)

I’m glad you chimed in… I was beginning to think it was something with my systems but that wasn’t making any sense to me as the program doesn’t even seem to do anything logged in as an admin…

Hopefully Ben will have some ideas.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Which OS are you guys trying this on?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Winxp sp2 32-bit for me

(imported comment written by tscott91)

XP Pro SP3 32bit here…

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Check that, XP Pro SP3 32-bit

(imported comment written by BenKus)

I think you need special privileges to use RunAsCurrentUser, which the SYSTEM account has (and thus the agent has), but your user account does not have… I tried it on XP SP3 and it didn’t work to RunAsCurrentUser calc.exe, but when I ran the command from the SYSTEM account (see here for info: http://support.bigfix.com/cgi-bin/kbdirect.pl?id=484) then it worked fine.

This should hopefully help your testing/troubleshooting…


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

On the machine in question I am in the local administrators group and it is still failing.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

The local administrator group has full control on the __Download folder as well as all higher folders.

(imported comment written by tscott91)

It’s not a permissions issue… I moved the RACU exe to the local C: drive which takes the BigFix permissions out of the equation… (However, I still have full control on the BigFix files/folders)…

I just tried running a test as a system account and it run fine… I ran:

AT 10:44 /interactive cmd.exe

  • And it worked.

I ran:

AT 10:48 /interactive C:\Runascurrentuser.exe cmd.exe

  • And it didn’t do anything…


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey guys,

I think your issues are related to testing the runascurrentuser tool and not to its actual functionality when run by the BigFix Agent. As far as I know, the administrator users don’t have permissions to impersonate a user but the SYSTEM account does have permission (this is not related to folder permissions). So you can’t properly test runascurrentuser tool when using a non-SYSTEM account.

So here is how I was able to test RunAsCurrentUser on XP SP3

at 16:44 /interactive cmd.exe

After you do this and wait until the scheduled time, you will see a cmd.exe window pop up. This process will be running as SYSTEM user, which you can verify from your Task Manager “User Name” column. If you run


from this cmd prompt, you will see the calc.exe also running as the SYSTEM account. Then if you run

RunAsCurrentUser.exe calc.exe

you will see that calc.exe runs as your user. This is exactly how BigFix works (running from the SYSTEM account) so this setup should let you test RunAsCurrentUser functionality and your script functionality.


(imported comment written by tscott91)

This helps much!

Ok, so when I test it like that it works… However, in my action, it still fails (although all actions say completed)…

When I bring up a cmd.exe as SYSTEM and runascurrentuser.exe regedit /s temp.reg it works fine…

I’m stumped.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

I’m running into the same problem. I used a task to to launch cmd.exe as system. I can use runascurrentuser.exe calc.exe and the calculator does indeed open running as my userid. However, similar to tscott when I try to run my msi install nothing happens! From the same command window I changed to the __Download folder and entered:

RunAsCurrentUser.exe --w “C:\Program Files\BigFix Enterprise\BES Client__BESData\actionsite__Download\SecureMail.msi” /i

and nothing happened. It just returned to the command prompt. I tried it without the --w, same problem, I tried it with the transforms file location, same problem.

My user is in the Administrators group and the Administrators group has full control on all folders and files.

Stumped as well!

Ben, could you try your test again but instead of launching calc.exe could you try running a regedit command like tscott or installing an msi to see if you can re-produce these results?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

OK… let’s just somewhat ignore my last post!! It helps if you add the msiexec.exe in there! Funny how when you add that it starts working! OK, so it works from the command window (launched via a task so it’s running as system) However I’m in the same boat as tscott. When runing the same command from a task it fails.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Just for reference here is what I’m running in the task

waithidden __Download/RunAsCurrentUser.exe --w “{pathname of system folder & “\msiexec.exe”}” /i “{(pathname of client folder of current site) & “__Download\SecureMail.msi”}” TRANSFORMS= “{(pathname of client folder of current site) & “__Download\EncryptedMail.mst”}” /qb! /L*+ \napcmgmt1\installlogs$\EchoWorx{hostname}_EchoWorx_inst.log REBOOT=ReallySuppress