I am fairly new in bigfix and i am having some trouble regarding sending out “alerts” from WEBREPORTS
What i am trying to do is, every time there is a computer in our environment that doesn’t have a specific application it will send out and alert. This alert will contain some kind of information regarding the computer name and etc.
I created a computer group in the console which lists the computers that do not have the application.
As things stand now i have the “Activity Report type:” Report and then list of computers without the application because i want to see a list of computers rather than a alert ( if i am understanding this correctly )
I would like to use Match Relevance conditions and generate the report when the relevance becomes true.
I am having some problems regarding this line here below. Can you help me change this statement here below to be true when number of member are more then >=1. I simply cannot figure out how to use a if statement here.
(number of members of it) of bes computer groups whose ( name of it is “Workstations without Application”)
And if you have any better way of doing this it would be really appreciated.
I would structure this a different way. It sounds like you already have the relevance for whether the software is present or not. I would make that a property of some analysis, and write the relevance so it reported true if the software was not present and false if it was.
From there, I would make a GUI report (rather than custom, using session relevance, though of course you could…) in Web Reports where the only filter criteria was that property being true. Then, I would schedule that report to run on some interval that made sense, and make sure to click the check box that says it only sends you the report if something changed.
Let me know if I can go into more detail about any of this.
That is a good idea and i was already starting to make some process in that direction. I already created a analysis that return true or false , whether or not the application is installed.
I have some questions regarding “Match Relevance conditions”.
If I take a report list that collects all of the computer with that not installed property , whether or not it is false or not , what should i put in the relevance condition? I have to have a relevance to use the “Generate report when answer changes feature” correct?
If i only take the computers with the false value from the not installed property can i use the “Generate report when answer changes” feature?
And with this “Generate report when answer changes” feature i will also get a report when computers installs the applications correct?
And in advanced, thank you some much for taking your time to teach a newb like me
No problem! This community helped me out a ton when I was new to all this!
It isn’t actually necessary to use “match relevance conditions” in conjunction with the option to only send a the email when the report changes. Just ignore that.
You will get the report emailed for any change, so you’d get an email if a computer reports True, then you’d also get an email when that computer dropped off the report, but it wouldn’t necessarily be obvious that was what changed if there were many computers on the report.