Email Alerting

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)


is there a way in TEM to get an Email if an action failed?

For example if the automatic update task in the Trend Micro Core Protection Module fails (Client has not the newest pattern files) or if a client does not perform a full system scan for two or more weeks?

Thank you for any ideas.

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

Yes, there are 2 options. They’re not super easy to do, but are possible:

  1. have an action in your actionscript that will email you based on last action exit code. you’d need to have the endpoint system have access to an email app. I’ve downloaded and used Blat in a similar process on Windows boxes. “if {exit code of action != 0} blat.exe… endif”

  2. have TEM Web Reports email if there are any failures of an action. You’d need to write a custom webreport using Session Relevance.

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

hi cstoneba,

thank you for your tipps. i will try out both options and see what is best for me.

best regards
