Edit Masthead File


I am thinking of editing my masthead file to add a fallback relay per the documentation at this link, https://help.hcltechsw.com/bigfix/9.5/platform/Platform/Config/c_editing_the_masthead.html

My question is does the information I put in there using either the FQDN or IP of the relay I want to be used need to be in the format below, or does the tool take the FQDN or IP and put it into the correct format.

http://bigfix.abc.com:52311/bfmirror/downloads/ or

Sorry for the dumb question but I am nervous about hosing my BigFix deployment if I screw this up

One of the following formats:

Hostname. For example, myhostname.
Fully qualified domain name (FQDN). For example, myhostname.mydomain.com.
IP address. For example,

is this masthead automatically propagated out once the chnage is made

Yes, it is.