I am having issues getting the client settings _BESClient_Report_Encryption to show correctly in our console. I set this setting to “Optional”, but cannot get the status of this setting to change from <not set>
. I can see in the client logs and in the registry for the device that it has been set. I have also restarted the bes client and restarted the console as well to see if that made a difference. Any ideas on what could be causing this or maybe a log that I could look at that would show the traffic back from the client? Thanks.
If you check the ‘Edit Settings’ dialog for the given machine, does it show up properly there? Alternatively, if you look at the ‘Client Settings’ section of the Summary tab of the computer in the Console, does it appear properly there? If not, you might try sending the Client a refresh.
Thanks for the response. It does show correct in both of those fields. Only field it shows incorrect in is the “_BESClient_Report_Encryption” property field under Computers.
Do you maybe have a custom property duplicated for this field, from an Analysis that does not report frequently? Try using the ‘Manage Properties’ menu in the console to see whether there is a duplicate.
Jason Walker,
That was it…Kind of my fault as well not seeing the difference in the naming. I checked our “Managed Properties” and sure enough there are two one named “_BESClient_Report_Encryption” and “_Client_Report_Encryption”. I mistakenly set the latter and didn’t even catch the name was slightly different when looking at the set property. Thanks for your help.