I observer there are many duplicate Server ID reflecting on many servers, As per my understanding server id unique and one server ID dedicated for one server only.
Reason could be user no longer in the organization or change server name.
Please let me know how to remove those duplicate server ID from the environment.
@Shahban Server ID is not the same as Computer ID . Add Internal Computer ID this is from BFI) and Data Source Computer ID (this is from BigFix) to your report, and you’ll see what I mean.
Server ID is a BFI generated value derived from the patterns found in one two of advanced server settings: standaloneServerTagTemplate and managedServerTagTemplate and so, is found only in BigFix Inventory reports.
You can find more information about the Server ID report column in the documentation here. You can find more information about the advanced server settings in the documentation here.
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Thanks for your prompt response!!
I see the explanation but need for clarification on the issue , On two servers I have cross checked and below are my observation
X and Y server has different computer ID but both X and Y servers are having same Server ID.
Concern here is how come two server can have same Server id , If they can have the same Serve id than what is the reason behind it, Can you please help me to understand and remediate the issue
Hi @Shahban - Server IDs are constructed from data being provided by querying the machine itself. Depending which vendor supplies your machines, unique serial numbers may not have been programmed into BIOS, leading to the duplicate values.
Are these machines Physical or Virtual?
These machine are Physical, also I have cross check through bigfix analysis to enable serial no property but seems not reflecting correct serial no.
is there any way to update BIOS so that will get correct data,