Dual Monitor Relevance

Based on a post at http://www.visualbasicscript.com/Getting-monitor-info-remotely-m96822.aspx, I seem to be getting fairly reasonable results for connected monitors using

unique values of (values "EDID" of keys "Device Parameters" of it as string) of keys whose (value "Class" of it as string = "Monitor" and exists key "Control" of it) of keys of key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY" of native registry

The key being that items under HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Enum\DISPLAY<X><Y> are registered with Class=Monitor AND have a Control subkey. I also limit it to displays that report an EDID; this excludes my servers that are using KVM switches (which don’t report EDIDs) but is sufficient for my purpose. I have up to 8 monitors per workstation and so far this seems to be reporting back pretty reliably.

I’m trying to avoid WMI queries as I’m using this in a Fixlet Relevance to determine whether to install a monitor software management package, and WMI queries are expensive to use in Fixlet relevance.

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the result always UNINITIALIZED. is there another relevance for detect the HDMI port ?

thank you

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That may be a fault of the video card driver on the particular system or something else. See if you can find the info you want through the command line or a file on the system in general. If you can find the info you are looking for elsewhere, then I can help write relevance to surface that info, but if the system doesn’t report the info properly then relevance will report the incorrect information as it is given. Also try updating drivers.

What are you using this info for?