Monitor connector type (HDMI/DVI/DisplayPort)?

Any ideas how to retrieve the monitor connector type? I’m trying to identify a pattern of failures that may be impacted by whether the display devices are connected via HDMI, DVI, or DisplayPort on Windows.

Nevermind, found @jgstew’s excellent post at Dual Monitor Relevance


Funny since you commented on this post 2 years ago: Dual Monitor Relevance

It is not unusual for me to google for something only to find the answer in my own forum post.

I’m amazed at the amount of odd info in WMI. SVideo? sure… why not.

Yeah, me too. Sometimes I only post here so I can find it in Google a couple of years down the road :slight_smile:

In my case, it didn’t really help in the end. My video cards are all-DisplayPort interfaces, that may go through a series of dongles/cables to convert to DisplayPort, MiniDP, HDMI, or DVI; but as far as the workstation is concerned, it’s all DisplayPort and I can’t tell the difference.

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