DSA architecture reqs

(imported topic written by KR9P_Ashu_Gupta)

In DSA setup, I can see that the database replication works fine. This is confirmed using SQL management studio to see all computerID’s are on local SQL for both TEM servers.

To test DSA configuration, TEM A was shutdown. Using TEM B, I started deployment of a job on endpoint. The job never commence and all agents stopped reporting their status back to console. When TEM A resumed back, the jobs started going. I feel I’m missing key configuration to make it working. Do I need an alias name in DNS and point that DNS to both TEM A &B IP’s? Which one should acknowledge? Is there the best practice recommendations document to setup DSA and requirement document checklist to setup DSA?

All agents are hitting TEM A (hostname.domain.com). When this interface is down; how magically TEM B takes over the communication with agents. Actionsite masthead file has following:

X-Fixlet-Site-Gather-URL: http://hostname.domain.com:52311/cgi-bin/bfgather.exe/actionsite

X-Fixlet-Site-Report-URL: http://hostname.domain.com:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/PostResults.exe

X-Fixlet-Site-Registration-URL: http://hostname.domain.com:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/clientregister.exe

X-BES-Mirror-Gather-URL: http://hostname.domain.com:52311/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/besgathermirror.exe

X-BES-Mirror-Download-URL: http://hostname.domain.com:52311/bfmirror/downloads/

Thanks in advance!

(imported comment written by sharonheb)

Do I need an alias name in DNS and point that DNS to both TEM A &B IP’s? Which one should acknowledge? Is there the best practice recommendations document to setup DSA and requirement document checklist to setup DSA?

I too would like to know the answers!

(imported comment written by BenKus)

You should not need to change any DNS for DSA to work…

Here is what should have happened:

  • You disconnected TEM A: Agents/relays will be unable to use it. The agents that are reporting to relays will not notice the problem for a while (because they have a relay to talk to). The relay should notice quickly, but it will retry a few times and wait to try to make sure there is not a temporary issue.
  • You started a job on TEM B. The agents/relay won’t know about it yet.
  • When the relay (or agents) switch to TEM B because the DSA servers are listed as server candidates if the primary is unavailable, the new action will propagate to them.

How long did you wait?

To accelerate the process in your testing, you can restart the BigFix Agent on the relays.
