DownloadsAvailable: false (action id x)

Hey there,

on a freshly installed Server, the Downloads of all Software we want to deploy fail.

I created the Task via the Software Distribution Wizard, the packages are in the correct folders (…\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\xxxxxxxx\xxx.tmp).

The logs on the Client show

At 11:20:10 +0200 -
DownloadsAvailable: checking for ‘
DownloadsAvailable: false (action id 131)

I’ve seen a couple of posts (like this one: Link) regarding this error, but in my case the downloads won’t start after retrying. I already set the _BESClient_Download_CheckAvailabilitySeconds option to 60 seconds.

I noticed that the folder bfmirror/downloads/131/0 doesn’t exist under …\BES Server\wwwrootbes\bfmirror\downloads. Colud this have something to do with the problem?

Downloading the file via browser works fine.

Any ideas on where to start?

Thanks for your help.


What does the ‘Downloads’ section of the ‘Summary’ tab of the action show in the Console? (Does it show the downloads in question with a ‘Complete’ status?)

Another place to check would be the Download Status report on the BigFix Server for the Action ID in question: https://<bigfix server name:port>/cgi-bin/bfenterprise/besmirrorrequest.exe

The Downloads section shows Timeout erorrs:

Download error: “HTTP Error 28: Timeout was reached”
Download requested on server:
URL: http://<>:52311/Uploads/c34654e0e4a50eb7d22d9d7ef55ec29a6084e266/file.tmp
Hash: (sha1)c34654e0e4a50eb7d22d9d7ef55ec29a6084e266
Next retry: The download will be retried the next time it is requested. Retry now

In the Download Status Report page the Actions are listed as failed:

Action: 131 Retry Mirror Request
url 1: http://:52311/Uploads/c34654e0e4a50eb7d22d9d7ef55ec29a6084e266/file.tmp
Error Status: Error downloading {aid=131,index=1,sha1=c34654e0e4a50eb7d22d9d7ef55ec29a6084e266,size=null,url=http%3a%2f%2fH%3a52311%2fUploads%2fc34654e0e4a50eb7d22d9d7ef55ec29a6084e266%2ffile.tmp}: HTTP Error 28: Timeout was reached

Does anyone else have any ideas on where to check?
