Download file from Server to Client (not caching it)

Hi Team.

I have the next task:

I need to download file from server to client on daily basis.
This file is changed during the day and placed into
"C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads\my_file.txt" folder.

I created a simple task to perform next action:

download http://my_server:52311/Uploads/my_file.txt
move “__Download\my_file.txt” “my_path\my_file.txt”

This works correctly, but BigFix caches the first file that was at the time when “action” was created on the task.
And even next day, when the source file on the BigFix Server was changed, it still deliver “cashed” (old) file from yesterday.

How to make BigFix server not to cache the file, but take original (new) file every day?

Best regards,
Anton Paradovskyi.

Try this:

download now http://my_server:52311/Uploads/my_file.txt


So which cache are you referring to? The client will only cache files that are left in the __Download folder after the action completes so I presume you are talking about the relay/root server

The download now suggestion would only work if you had direct line of sight from the endpoint to the root server just fyi

The other option (but to still use the relays) would be to do a dynamic download. See

Thank you.

download now works fine in my case.
I will keep in mind that this solution is only for direct link.

Hello, how to do this the opposite way. From Client to Server?

See the documentation for Upload Manager.

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