Download Failed while executing any action

A required download failed.
This action has been applied 1 time and will not be applied again.

Status Download Failed
Start Time 5/26/2017 4:28:21 PM
End Time 5/26/2017 4:28:23 PM
Exit Code None

Script Type BigFix Action Script

prefetch BESClientHelper.exe sha1:716dd662996960b028135e92906c8936e537263e size:2629729 sha256:157ff5caf9f03cebc4e8b906d85d2c39f1666dd75d0b3f9efd19ef708400c277

regset “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\BESClientHelper]” “ServiceRunPeriod”="“
regset “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\BigFix\BESClientHelper]” “ServiceInstallationParameters”=”"

delete "{pathname of parent folder of client & “\BESClientHelper.exe”}"
move __Download\BESClientHelper.exe “{pathname of parent folder of client & “\BESClientHelper.exe”}”

waithidden “{pathname of parent folder of client & “\BESClientHelper.exe”}” -install auto

I downloaded the link and got a SHA1 716dd662996960b028135e92906c8936e537263e and SHA256 157ff5caf9f03cebc4e8b906d85d2c39f1666dd75d0b3f9efd19ef708400c277 for the file. Can you validate you can download the file correctly and there is actually space on the endpoint for the file?

Yes, I’m able to download files correctly