Download error: "Unexpected HTTP response: 400 Bad Request" Download requested on server:

Im getting below error while downloading files.Can anyone help how to fix this issue.

Download error: “Unexpected HTTP response: 400 Bad Request” Download requested on server:

Which fixlet is this coming from?

Im trying to download files from window server and i need to move same to aix stores.

download http://servername:52311\C:\filename
copy “__Download/filename” “/tmp/filename”

Can anyone let me know how to copy files from windows and move to aix sever daily.

Im trying to download files from window server and i need to move same to aix stores.

download http://servername:52311\C:\filename
copy “__Download/filename” “/tmp/filename”

That’s…not how copy works. Or http. I’m afraid you may need to ask your peers or management for some introductory training.

can you please share if you have any fixlet or something to copy files

To download with Bigfix, you need to host the file on a web server. The BigFix components will not recognize an arbitrary filesystem path like “C:\myfile.txt”, you need a URL to use.

To use a Dynamic Download, you first need the size, sha1, and sha256 of the file: so when the file changes, you’d have to take a new action with the new download parameters. That is absolutely vital for security reasons.

How would you do the file copy without Bigfix? That’s how you should do it. You could use Bigfix to drive the commands to the clients, but the actual protocol should probably be whatever you’d do without Bigfix - SCP, SMB, Curl, whatever.

Thanks for clarification… I need to copy updated file everyday from window server and need to move same file to aix server… Can you let me know the options to implement this.