Unable to download Solaris patch Error Does not match actual sha1
Please check attachment
Kindly Help to resolved.
Unable to download Solaris patch Error Does not match actual sha1
Please check attachment
Kindly Help to resolved.
Looks like Oracle updated the patch download file and the Fixlet’s not up to date. Is this the original fixlet from the BigFix-provided patching site, or a custom copy / copy in a Baseline that might be outdated?
If this is the original Fixlet, post back again and give the Fixlet ID and the Site Name.
Thanks your quick reply,
This is Not Custom Copy.
This is original Fixlet
Site Current Version :- 1,707
Site Name : Patches for Solaris
Bigfix Server version 9.5.2 latest
The patch team should be able to determine if the patch was changed on us. If it has an issue it might taking filing a PMR however if they aren’t actively fixing it
We have already open PMR with ibm