DOS command: fixlet/task action script

Hi team,

Just want to ask if there is a way to run the DOS command on a fixlet/task action script as administrator. In the environment we are checking, they tried running a bat file with the action script below but the registry key was updated with the wrong values.

dos “C:\itsetup\Office 2016\Current Channel Upgrade\UpdateOffice.bat”

When running the bat file manually, the updates on the regkey have the expected values. I am thinking that this could be caused by the command not ran as an administrator?

Thanks in advance for any feedback.

Post the expected & actual registry updates.

Here are the screenshots. So in the action script of the task it will be running the bat file:

dos “C:\itsetup\Office 2016\Current Channel Upgrade\UpdateOffice.bat”

It will run the bat file (first screenshot) and as you can see it wil try to add a registry key with a given value. However, the value that was added is different on the machine (third screenshot)

Ok, you’re probably a victim of WOW6432 redirection. As a 32-bit application, the BigFix client’s accesses to HKLM\Software are redirected to HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node. See if HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\Configuration has the CDNBaseUrl value you were expecting.

If that’s the case, just add
action uses wow64 redirection false to your actionscript at any point before running the batch file.
You might also need to change the ‘dos’ command to a ‘waithidden’, i.e.

action uses wow64 redirection false
waithidden cmd.exe /c "C:\itsetup\Office 2016\Current Channel Upgrade\UpdateOffice.bat"
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That is magnificent Jason. The additional command was able to do the job. Thank you very much